Thursday, August 8, 2013

Can Green Tea Affect Prostate Cancerby Jane Clarke

It has been presented in some studies of green tea that it may help make a treatment to stop the dormant, non threatening type of prostate cancer a lot of men have in their 70 & 80 from becoming the aggressive and deadly types. Diet and cancer studies have shown that green tea when tested on mice with an aggressive form of cancer can decrease the spread or metastasis of prostate cancer to liver, bones, and other parts of the body.
Also some Recent research receals that green tea might help prevent the spread of prostate cancer. Specifically the phytochemicals found in green tea, called polyphenols attack the growth factors and proteins, interrupting the growth processes of tumors, resulting in stopping them from spreading to other organs in the body. Now because earlier studies showed that the same natural plant substances may also help to prevent the start of prostate cancer itself, researchers showed that more studies need to be done on green tea affect on fighting this common type of cancer. The best way to reduce your risk of prostate cancer still lies in eating a mostly vegetarian diet.

The phytochemicals in green teas seem to increase the number of enzymes that help convert carcinogens in the body to a dormant, or harmless forms. A lot of questions still remain about the amount and or frequency of green tea necessary to affect the formation of prostate cancer itself. Black tea has also shown similar benefits and effects to green tea, although they appear to have somewhat lower levels of the beneficial substances than green tea has. Whatever the benefits of green tea,relying alone on teas is a very big mistake. Other tests and studies suggest a variety of nutritional influences on prostate cancer risk. Vitamin E use may also offer some protection. Selenium (antioxidant mineral) also seems to be protective. Most people do get adequate amounts of selenium, but these studies used mainly nutrition supplements, so the study participants achieved higher intake levels. So it still remains to be seen whether men can protect themselves by taking supplements, along with multivitamins, with selenium. If total selenium intake exceeds 400 mcg per day, nerve damage and other side effects can occur in the individuals.

So why don't you buy some Chinese Green Tea you like from now!

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