Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Do You Know About The Caffeine In Green Tea

The caffeine in green tea is less than what you will find in an equal cup of coffee. But to those that are sensitive to the stimulant, you still need to be aware that each 8 ounce cup contains between 10mg and 40mg of caffeine.
The variation has to do with the age of the leaves, when they are harvested from the plant and even their position on the plant. Most companies give you an verage?content, if they list the content, at all. Steep time also affects the caffeine-content. Longer steeps give you a richer flavor, but they also give you more of the stimulant.

As far as the bottled beverages go, the average caffeine-content is very low, around 10mg per bottle. But, the actual amount of green tea in those bottles is also very low. Many companies add sugar, artificial flavors and colors. They don use much of the actual plant.

So, if what you want are the health benefits, without worrying about the caffeine in green tea, the best choice is a good supplement. The supplements contain the extracts, which provide the antioxidants known as catechins.

Catechins are unique to the camellia sinensis plant (from which both black and green teas are derived) and some cocoa plants. If youe seen the claim about how chocolate is supposed to be good for your health, the companies are basing those claims on the catechin-content of the cocoa. Whether or not a chocolate bar would actually be rich in catechins is really anybody guess.

The companies are not required to measure the amount that is present or list it on the label. If youe worried about the caffeine in green tea, you should know that the stimulant is also found in chocolates. The plants produce it as an insect repellant.

How many catechins are needed to help prevent heart disease and cancer? The amount varies depending on your age and the current state of your health. One of the naturopathic doctors that I trust recommends a 60mg extract, which provides 48mg of catechins. He also recommends a variety of other supplements.

The best daily supplement that I have found provides essential vitamins and minerals, as well as herbal extracts, amino acids and lots of natural antioxidants. Many of them have an anti-inflammatory effect. That important because chronic inflammation has been linked to a number of age-related diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

As for the caffeine in green tea extracts, the better extracts contain only trace amounts, 1 or 2mg at most. A little bit of caffeine is actually good for your long-term health.

In a recent study, researchers found a decreased incidence of Alzheimer among regular tea and coffee drinkers. Just don go overboard. If you exceed 500mg per day, you will start to notice nervousness, anxiety and other health problems.

Now that you learned about the caffeine in green tea, I would suggest that you learn more about the causes of aging. You can keep your body young and healthy, with the right supplementation.

If you have two minutes to spare, please take a look at my website now. You can view more Chinese Green Tea on

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